"Little Companion Parts"
Photo showing the "Little Companion" kit radio from the Aegis Company.
Aegis were prolific suppliers to the radio industry in Australia in the 1940's and '50's. They made all form of tuning coils, IF coils and supplied many local manufacturers with parts.

"Little Companion"
Add the latest, smartest professional touch to your new radio with the modern streamlined wooden cabinet now supplied with the popular Aegis Little Companion. It is a 5 valve 2-band receiver, A.C operated, complete to the last nut and bolt, with full easy-to build directions.
"Extract from 1949 Advert"

* Dual Wave
* Rola Speaker
* Super new Cabinet
* Ducon Condensers
* Permeability Iron Cored Intermediates
* Permeability Iron Cored B/C and S/W Coils