Sole Selling Agents In Australia: Noyes Bros
Igranic Electric Co., Ltd.
149, Queen Victoria Street
London, E.C.4
Works: Elstow Works, Bedford
Famous for radio parts, in particular honeycomb coils, RF and LF transformers, couplers and accessories.
This company also sold early electrical pick-ups under the trade mark "Igranic Pacent Phonovox". The Phonovox pick-up was patented by Pacent, USA

The 1927 Igranic Super Heterodyne
In this the 1927 model Igranic, all the requirements of the ideal receiver have been fulfilled. Great range, selectivity and purity of reproduction-these features which have done so much to popularise the Igranic-are combined with wonderful beauty and appearance and extreme simplicity of control. Two dials for tuning, two knobs to regulate volume and clarity, and a filament switch are the only controls on the panel.
"Taken from Popular Hobbies, October 1 1927"