The Vedette was made by ZJM Products. ZJM were the initials of the proprietor, Zoltan Julian Mielnik, who was known by his middle name. Julian was Polish (formerly a Polish Army intelligence officer), who came to Australia after a stint in a POW camp in Siberia in WW2. He operated a small music shop (ZJM Music) in Oxford St, Bondi Junction, and the amps built there were sold as 'Vedette' or 'ZJM' amplifiers.
The amp itself is very interesting. It is essentially a Fender Blackface (pre-reverb) copy, with a 'normal' and 'vibrato' channel and a blackface 'Presence' control, but with English-style EL-34 output stage. It has tremolo (vibrato) in the vintage (pre opto-coupler) bias-oscillation mode which I love so much, as it is organic and 'squishy' in the way it responds differently to various input levels.
(Information above and image below thanks to