Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd. 380 St. Kilda Rd., Melbourne

The Best Gramo-combination ever presented
Kingsley K50 AP
* All triode output
* Rola G12 High Fidelity Speaker
* B.T.H. Synchronous Motor
* Peizo Astatic Pick-up
* Priced at only 59 Pounds
"Taken from 1937 Advert"

Kingsley "Walkie Talkie"
Kingsley is proud to present Australias most outstanding Personal Foundation Kit, just released from the KINGSLEY RESEARCH LABORATORY! This amazing 4-valve midget is "ferrotuned"-an exclusive feature!
Anyone can build the Kingsley "Walkie Talkie" from this simple foundation kit. Compare its extra smartness, its smallness, and its amazing full size mantel-model performance, and you'll appreciate its sheer superiority!
"Taken from 1948 Advert"