168-170 Parramatta Rd. Auburn, New South Wales

RSS Feed For Airzone Listings On eBay
Circuit Diagram For Chassis 401 (1931)
Circuit Diagram For Airzone 452
Circuit Diagram For Model 453
Circuit Diagram For Model 518
Circuit Diagram For Airzone 523 523M

1935 Airzone Cathedral

Airzone 454

Symphony Leader.
Sold for approx. USD$600.00 in 1997. An absolute bargain, this is probably the most desirable of all the Airzone radios!

The wise retailer reaps the harvest that only AIRZONE fine RADIO can provide for him. Since before 1931....since the dawn of broadcasting....there has always been an AIRZONE Receiver, not only to please and satisfy your customer, but to earn for the retailer his just reward-his rich harvest for the crop of effort he has sown.
"Taken from advert in Tasmanian Electrical & Radio Trader, Oct. 1950"

Sold for approx. USD$40.00 proving all Airzones are not created equally!

5A2A2 Unrestored Airzone Chassis