Lang Street Croyden, N.S.W.
Sold mainly unbranded sets allowing resellers to badge them with whatever took their fancy.

1948 Advert For Slades Radio

F.M Tuner Model 105
All the advantages of F.M. Reception are yours with this 6 valve F.M. Tuner. Housed in an attractive Bakelite cabinet.
The ideal instrument for those who already own a good radio, but want to listen to F.M. Broadcasting
"Taken from 1949 Advert"

F.M. A.M. Combination Model 106
Australias first F.M. A.M. Radiogram
A powerful 9 valve F.M. A.M. & D.W. receiver gets the worlds shortwave stations as easily as the locals.
Contains every modern feature for utmost enjoyment of frequency modulation reception, D.W. A.M. reception and recorded music with high-grade record changer.
"Taken from 1949 Advert"

Australias First F.M. Tuner
All the advantages of F.M. Reception are yours with this 6 valve F.M. Tuner. Housed in an attractive Bakelite cabinet.
This radio was released as a kit; the price was 20 Pounds unconstructed or 25 Pounds wired , tested and ready to use.
The F.M tuner Kit consisted of pre-aligned tuner, 2 10.7Mc I.F. transformers and one ratio detector.