Kriesler Pty. Ltd. 43 Alice St. Newtown, N.S.W.

RSS Feed For Kriesler Valve Radio’s On eBay
Circuit Diagram For Kriesler 41-58
Circuits For Early Kriesler Valve Radios

1950's Kriesler Twin-Fi

Rare Limited Edition “Silver Anniversary” Kriesler Radio

Kriesler Sealed Radio Beehive
Beauty Back and Front
Dust and Dirtproof
"Taken from 1947 Advert"
So common, many people believe leaving 2 Kriesler Beehives alone in a room will result in them breeding!
Value: Whatever you can get!

Kriesler Duplex

"Special XP Model"
* Valves. Seven
* Type. Special Short Wave Receiver
* Tuning. From 13 to 225 Metres
* Cabinet. Special timber, climatic treated
* Chassis. Lacquer on cadmium or copper plating
"This radio has been designed with the express purpose of obtaining the finest possible reception on the short waves"
An ugly set. Good performer, but break a dial glass and its value drops about 90%.

Advertistement from Tasmanian Radio Retailer Magazine

Advert for the Kriesler Duplex From the Tasmanian Advocate Newspaper
Find Out How Old Your Kriesler Radio Is